Tag: Life Insurance

Understanding Life Insurance in Financial Planning with Craig Katz (Ep. 5)

Understanding Life Insurance in Financial Planning with Craig Katz (Ep. 5)

Navigating the realm of life insurance can be a daunting challenge—from selecting the most fitting type for your plan to deciding whether it’s a necessity at all. However, its role in your financial portfolio is far from insignificant.

In a compelling discussion, Daniel Paikin and Robert Schlesinger team up with Craig Katz, their partner at Tempus Financial Group, to unravel the intricacies of life insurance. This insightful conversation delves deep into why life insurance is a pivotal component of your financial puzzle, dissecting various types, including term and permanent policies.

Daniel, Robert and Craig discuss: 

  • Why is life insurance important in financial planning
  • How do you calculate the amount of life insurance needed
  • What are the types of life insurance, specifically term insurance and permanent life insurance
  • Why is it important to integrate life insurance into a broader financial plan
  • And more

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About our Guest: 

Craig believes in taking both an offensive and defensive approach to developing and protecting wealth. He helps his clients build maximum wealth potential while simultaneously protecting against major facets of life such as taxes, inflation, lawsuits, death and disability.

Craig has been in the financial services industry since 1997, beginning as an analyst with JP Morgan Chase. From there he spent a few years as an equity trader where the lack of intimate and long-standing client relationships led him to move to the personal planning side of finance. He joined Strategies for Wealth, an affiliate of Tempus Financial Group in 2004.